Nail Biting Anxiety

By The Wellness mania

Oct 27, 2024

Onychophagia, or nail-biting habit, is a common obsession that has a strong effect on people of all age groups, from children to older ones. 

Nail Biting

Some basic physiological factors of nail biting are: 1. Stress 2. Anxiety 3. Boredom 4. Perfectionism 

Psychological Factors

In certain conditions people turn towards nail biting habit. 1. Way to cope with negative emotion. 2. Alleviate feelings of tension.

Some Specific Response 

Lets discover the best strategies to avoid nail biting!

1- Identify Triggers of Nail Biting Habit

2- Exchange the Habit with a Healthier Option

3- Follow Stress Management Technique

4-Maintain Your Nails

5- Seek Assistance from Friends and Family