9 Best Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

1. Kegel Exercises

Kegel can improve the strength of the pelvic muscles and support bladder function.

2. Bridge Exercises

Bridges also work the core and glutes.


Squats can support strong pelvic muscles and buttocks.

4. Flutter Kicks

Engage the lower abs and pelvic floor.

Exercises like leg lifts engage the deep abdominals, indirectly benefiting the pelvic floor.

5.Deep Abdominal Exercises

6. Yoga Exercises

Yoga help to reduce pain, stabilize the pelvic floor muscle, and improve urinary function.

7.Pelvic Tilts

Effective in isolating and strengthening the pelvic muscles.

8.Pilates Movements

Contribute significantly to pelvic floor strength.

9. Resistance Band Exercises

It works on the outer hip muscles and strengthen the pelvic muscles.